I want to Live – Delhi Poetry Slam

I want to Live

By Nashrah Tanvir 

I want to get off this bottom

And swim to the top

But I don't know how far the surface is

The only thing you can do best

When holding your breath underwater

Is staying still

I can survive forever here.


Except I don't want to be a survivor,

I want to live.


I've seen too many people drown

Halfway from the surface.

I'm not the best swimmer, after all.


But I don't want to survive,

I want to live.


Drowned bodies are the scariest.

You never realize how much water

Human bodies can drink

How disfigured they can get

Without ever being cut

How hope looks like

Before you give in to salt water.

Maybe drowning bodies drink a the water

So no one else has to drown in them.


I'll not be a survivor,

I'll live,

I'll live,

I'll live.

1 comment

  • The raw description of dead bodies in the ocean is a crazy metaphor the poet has used, insanely good!


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