Flight – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Sneha Singhal 

I was a little girl, with big dreams

Dreams that one day I would be an independent successful woman, unlike the women I saw in my family.

I wanted to get rid of this cage that these four walls of my house always seemed to be

I wanted to fly, high up in the air, catch flights

I have clients to meet, and meetings to catch up, and destinations to see

I was the biggest shark in the industry, multi dollar income, and villas in different countries

The world was too big to be fit in the small fist of mine, but what I knew was I wanted to cross my family's border line

And I turned 20, yes I am an adult girl with big dreams

Dreams that I would be a successful independent woman someday

But that day seems to be near, and I am afraid to catch those flights What would I be?

My flight would go high up in the sky, or would I become the one that couldn't take off the run way?

And when life throws these rejections at me, I doubt if choosing to cross the border line not that wise

Was my family right? Was it never meant for me?

All these noises in my head, and I plug in my earphones,

And I am again that girl with big dreams, I have my answers, I want to prove the little me right

I'll muster up the courage and yes I am right. I choose to live on my terms. No one believes me, it's fine.

But I'll prove to myself, that no matter how big this world is, it's mine.

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