A Father – Delhi Poetry Slam

A Father

By Itisha Kapoor 

A Father, a person who is loving and kind,
A person who reads your mind.
Who knew? a boy who used to be immature and naughty,
Will become a man of his duty.

The man who is always ready to sacrifice,
But to love, he never denies!
A father is god's chosen one.

Who says? it's always his responsibility to be strong
I wish I could say this to my father
That don't worry PAPA I'll be the brawny one!

A guy who stood to be a gentleman,
You were the human, I used to depend

A father was, is and always will be,
An impeccable stature of heroism and cavalry.
I wasn't ready to face this society,
It was you who taught me to fight!

Being a father is always arduous,
It needs strength to stand after someone.

It was the night I remember,
When I saw trust in your eyes
Believing in me for the rest of our lives.

Being heard as PAPA,
Is the greatest gift any man can get
It is a father upon whom one can rely!

I am a blessed one to meet a person like you,
You are my idol, you are my divine!

I truly imagine, how proud you still get on my success
As I see the glories upon the sky.
I still miss your appreciation, the delighted feeling in your eyes
PAPA you are still the one, because of whom I'm standing on my heights!


  • God bless you always

    Beautiful illustration Itisha. Proud of you
  • Amazing 👏 🤩 well said dear …. very heart touching . seems each & every words came out through your heart

  • Lovely poem.
    God bless you n keep it up

  • It is such a wonderful poem that depicts a life of real hero Father who is doing her duties and fulfilling responsibilities without showing his pain or sacrifices.

    Priyanka Kapoor

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