By-Nimisha Tomar


“Far away from this world of chaos,

Where the sky meets the ocean,

Where the green fields seems to never end,

Where the gust of wind and the rush of waves breaking on the shore are your only companions,

I'll come, I'll come to accompany you,

To ask you, “how have you been?”

To talk and argue over all the silly things you have been keeping since long,

To discuss about all books you read, and

To listen to all your problems, and

All those 'whys' and 'what ifs' of your life,

I'll become your keeper as I have always been,

Gliding through the sea of thoughts,

we'll overthink together, jump to the conclusions,

Annoyingly regretting over the past,

I'll share your part of sadness and stress,

Just to assuage you that you ain't alone,

Maybe this will heal your wounds until the next time we meet,”

Says my Mutterseelenallein to me.



This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon:

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