By-Prabhnoor Kaur
Sitting on the shore fathoming the sun setting in its abyss
Seeing the world around me get painted in tones of red
Watching the birds take their flight back home,
And when the waves hitting the shore tend to sing
In the midst of all this vista
She sits by the shore of those singing waves, water kissing her toes
The brine tang of the water slowly making its way to the wounds of her fragile heart
Yes, that pains,
Her eyes turn blue, yet again
Tears roll down her cold, crimson cheeks
Singing their story of misery
She waits for somebody to catch those rolling tears
But they roll onto the rocks, then the sand, meeting the waters
The winds pass by, touching her cheeks
Embracing her and lifting her tears
taking them far away
Whispering their rigmarole
Thousands come, wait, cry and leave
We wipe away all tears
When the ones that should
Leave them all alone here
To this she sighs
Says she feels shattered and scattered
Says there is an emptiness in her that won't go away
The waters touch her
We promise to fill that emptiness
Baffled in a maze of utter desolation
Having failed to break the chains of loneliness,
Watching her steps, slowly making her way to the music of the shores
The wind holding her hand, guiding her towards the shore
She could feel the cold waves touching her part by part
Making its way inside her,
Completing her
Filling in her void
Dissolving her despondency
Keeping their promise.
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: