LONELINESS – Delhi Poetry Slam


By-Drizzela D’Souza


Break the ten letter word

She uttered with pink cheeks

And sparkled almond eyes.

This was mother's way of teaching, loneliness.


Break the ten letter word

She said with utmost patience

Until I could say, lone-li-ness

With a deep smile.


Break the ten letter word

After years, I could relate to the terrifying punishment,

“Stand ALONE in the room!”


Break the ten letter word

Loaded with shame and stigma

An infectious disease described by some

A feeling of desolation amidst chaos

‘Loner’ fitted as my alias name


With passing seasons this dark feeling

Gripped my bones

And broke them into thousand pieces

Of self-pity, remorse, and void


It was astounding to watch my body hide

In the room of loneliness

Immersed in the running water

Which slowly caressed very aching part


Wish mother explained the way to embrace

Loneliness and solitude

The way she taught the ten letter word

With pink cheeks and sparkled almond eyes



This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/y9sydnxn

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