By-Shehena Mercy G
Don’t disturb me
Came a text from HE
Just three words
Jumped back to vista of years
Those days of friendlessness
Nights of loneliness
Scared of fakers
Hurt by haters
Too naive to obscure
Too heavy to endure
Thoughts of that one scar
As repeated made her scare
Failed to be recognized
As she was useless they realized
Through thick and thin
They were so mean
Ignorant she was
Unaware of the bitter truth
As she started sailing on calm rivers
They then made her theirs
Fate is all they said
Fake is what she names them
Never did she know
Her courage to quit
was mightier than
The courage to yield
A tale of lost innocence
Again had an unwanted bye!
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: