shobha chichra
When my past history of slavery kept me chained
And still stood on my shoulders like a heavy
Boulder, causing even internal injuries and
Wounds that oozed out blood. Then quite
Fearlessly I started dragging and pushing
it towards the deep sea of forgiveness.
And off loaded it there. And tried to discard
So many perplexities of rambling thoughts
That pricked my heart, and all the attached
Junk and debris, and the problem of what to
Forget, what to remember, what to overlook
Got resolved .As that troublesome slavery of past
Memories was tossed into the mystical cosmos,
I felt relieved from the mental and spiritual
Drought, putting me at peace with myself
And the world around.
Was it a dream? No, it was surely a stark reality.
I was now the master of my unassailed self.
Free to breathe, perceive, smell and taste,
Think, create and explore with no ill will.
I enjoyed the freedom that flows like
A clear stream of human wisdom. As free from
the fetters of the past, I had set my foot in the
Domain of pristine present.
It was indeed a psychological catharsis.