Happiest Day of my life – Delhi Poetry Slam

Happiest Day of my life

On  a February afternoon
I lied on on the terrace 
With jazz playing on my phone
And my head swirling along . 
Soaking the sun
Feeling the  cold winds juggling to snatch the warmth off my skin
I was in peace after long. 
And forever that day will remain the best of my  day
A day I will look back all my life upon 
I wasn't in a momentary  snowflake kind of happiness 
But in a deep content 
Of realization  that the life
 that I had thrown in some 
corner of an old dusty attic
Had been  returned to me 
Wrapped up in a muslin bag
Adorned with the best of the jewels and tied  with a golden thread. 
A day before, 
I had been fired 
Or maybe it was me who had quit. 
I am not sure what it was
But I had let go of it - 
Into the job I had jumped 
Half and a year back. 
It was a quick fix 
To a heartbreak that was recent ;
Computer screen  an aid for the incessant thoughts 
And the files  a cure to the aching heart. 
The term healing was an alien 
& the quick fix initially worked quite  well. 
I drifted into the workplace 
As a turtle in his shell ;
No leaves, 
No excuses, 
Extended stay backs, 
Added responsibilities 
I embraced it all 
But then, 
the piles of the files went upsurging
day by day 
and the deadlines became more frequent. 
 And soon it all messed up 
'A half heart fulfills nothing' 
But too late was  I to realise. 
Life narrowed down to the honking of morning cab
To late stay backs
And eventually when I would return home 
I  would  get back to sleep 
Not a  kind of  deep sleep 
But a kind of slumber where I could hear 
People calling me
The notifications ringing on my phone 
But I would not respond
I would pretend to be asleep 
& would shout if anyone tried to wake me up. 
People scared me 
And more than them
The fact that they knew that something was wrong 
Made me anxious 
I had always been wary of advices
I had grown up monitoring my emotions well
'An expert in faking smiles' 
Being vulnerable of my weakness was never my cup of tea
All of them were hurled in some corner under the bed to keep them hidden 
But I  was  in a mid of professional affair
And too stubborn to accept my limits 
I gave whatever was left off
I let my Sundays get stuffed  with phone calls and extra works
And my days filled with innecessant sitting in front of computer 
With tea after tea 
But in return the insults and scoldings kept 
stacking up
With a bid on my soul 
Until I choked up 
And broke down
Not somewhere else but 
In the official meet-up hall
And all they could come up with as a solution 
Was to ask me to leave if I want
And maybe  that was the 
best that I ever could have asked
Lying next day on the mattress
I embraced all that I had hurled since long 
The solace
The silence
The peace 
And the life that  came along. 

1 comment

  • It is important to love the work you do . To be happy . Good one 👌


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