Would You? – Delhi Poetry Slam

Would You?

Saanketh Prabhakar

Would you mind if I take you to my room in the middle of night, with no intentions of having sex with you?
I've been told that you like surprises so I've planned a dinner date at my place and I've tried cooking your favourite dish. I've bought those white bright sparkling chandeliers as well you were talking about back then where we lacked money to purchase.
I must say cooking is definitely not my cup of tea and you've got really eccentric taste, unpredictable matchless combinations that totally explains your weird state of mind.
Would you mind if I ask you out for a long drive on your two wheeler where you'll be the one driving and using brakes and I'll be the one falling?
I always wanted to cherish the moment where your hair swiftly moves over this puckered face of mine and turns it into something unimaginable, strange. 
Oh, it may blush and turn red, young.
Would you mind if I follow you without your knowledge so that I may get to see the way you walk the way you talk the way you move your hands and carry yourself in my absence?
I just want to check if my presence is bringing restrictions to your freedom and in such a case, we can talk about it and settle as I know you won't be taking any initiative and I don't want you to adjust.
Would you mind if I don't speak over phone calls and just listen to your voice?
Let me tell you it's the most amazing voice I've ever heard of and it has so much positive impact that I forget most of my problems and this world seems to be a happy place to live in.
Would you mind if I don't ask you to remove the clothes during video calls or not to put your phone below the face and show?
It's the face I'm calling for. It's the eyes I want to speak to. It's the smile I want to enjoy and that's what love is for me, so please do not judge.
Would you mind if I tell you that I may feel jealous at times, it's natural but I cannot act possessive for you?
As I believe you're not some material I can claim for and it's totally your choice to be mine or someone else.
Would you mind if I call my love unconditional?
Would you mind if I say my love is pure?
Would you like to join?
Would you like to love?
Yes, wouldn't you? :)


  • Full of emotions. I like it. Keep it up
    Keran kumar
  • Outstanding lines bhaiya

    Sai Kumar
  • Bhai keep it up never give up good bro

    Ankit chandraker
  • Really Awesome Brother ??

    Lakshya Bafna
  • Good job brother…
    Long way to go.

    Yugal Rathod
  • Trully awsm lines bro…proud of u bro…????

    Hitendra singh Baghe
  • lovely lines!

    Ayush Sahu
  • The emotions that are invested in it are so pure and beautiful.

    Satjeet Kaur
  • Awesome line bhai ??

    Dheeraj jain
  • Keep it up bro ?

  • Keep it up bro…

    Piyush Tiwari
  • Good job brother!

  • Dil chu gya bhai.

  • Awesome ????

    Himanshu Nema
  • After reading this, i want to fall in love again ?

    By the way.. Lovely lines saanketh..

  • Awesome lines bro. Really amazing.

    Shoubhick sinha
  • Awsme lines bro..!!

    Rockey pandit
  • Awsme line bro ?

    Rockey pandit
  • Truly!The writers word..

    Prateek Sharma
  • Its really awsm..??

    Priyal agrawal
  • beautiful??thoughtful

  • Would u mind if I say this is beautiful
    Would u mind if I say u r amazing

  • Would you like if i say your words are amazing, inspired, beautiful…??

  • Beautiful..

    Yukti Goyal
  • Best one ?

  • Enormously good..keep up

  • Awesome

    Priya Singh
  • Awesome ?

    Priya Singh

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