By Akshay Anand

You came into this world crying.
So do I !
People told me that you grew into a man I was supposed to be like, I was trying!
But I could never grew into a man of anyone’s dream. WHY?
You always desired to have a pillar called friend.
So do I !
And ofcourse you have lots of them. All this because you are never supposed to pretend.
Buy I was always forced to to hide my real self, I was forced to lie. WHY?
You always wanted to make your parents proud.
So do I !
Your little efforts would take them to ninth cloud.
But how so hard I may try I still remain a shame, a stigma, a lie. WHY?
You have a dream.
You know what! so do I !
But who can forget the fact that you are normal and supreme.
My talent do shout but it doesn’t count! WHY?
You are the real man, the man seeking respect.
So do I !
You command respect because you are all physically correct.
May be I am unnatural, fag or stray, as people say. WHY?
You want all the love and happiness in your life.
So do I !
You get all of them because you are the ideal man God has designed.
But I have no right on either of these, because my preferences are different which you may not like. WHY?
Yes! I am not a one like you.
But you have no right to tease or boo!
Yes! I don’t have that strong muscles.
But I will get my rights even if I have to tussle!
People say you are the actual hunk the society want.
But let me tell you , no one in the world is here, for you, to get haunt.
Yes! I proudly say I am a GAY.
I am happy.
Fighting the same battle every day.
I have a heart, so do you.
I have emotions, so do you.
A thinking surely not like you.
More courageous and strong than all of you.
I am a child of God, just like you.
Trust me I won’t spread like a flu!
If not gentlemenlike, atleast don’t disrespect us.
Life already has lots of problems, please! don’t become another fuss!
You want a life of dignity.
So do I !
You get it because you are straight.
I am deprived because I am not but that doesn’t give you a license to hate.
And this time NO WHY.
No Why! Because I am also a human like you or any other guy.
Great work!
Thank you so much Rishu Sharma!!??
This poetry made me smile and at the same time brought tears in my eyes.
Reminds me of those days when I accepted who I was and came out to everyone.