What If I Can Fly? – Delhi Poetry Slam

What If I Can Fly?

By Sakshi Lamba


What If I can fly, 

Will definitely dive in the sky

Asking birds how deep they go, 

Riding the dollar coaster fast and slow

Chilling on the top of the mountains, 

Intaking nature in all over my veins

Having a cup of tea in the middle of the clouds, 

Singing my favorite song very loud

Direct landing on the roof when late, 

Searching from the top for my soulmate

Taking shower in the breath taking rain, 

Touching heaven again and again

Will make a house with the floor of frost, 

Want to lost, just lost. 

This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Superpower'

1 comment

  • Loved these lines. This poem make me feel that I am on the top of the sky ❣️

    Rashmi kaushik

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