Ananya Dubey

The 2.37am crisis happening around 2.37 pm
One moment you are here,
The next moment things change.
What is the point of all this
Who is there to judge
Can I do the things I want to do
Or am I being panicky
A little too much
Can I chop my own hair off?
And walk on streets in those funky shoes
Can I shun my phone
And finish that book,
Can I post that picture
And phone a friend,
Can I paint that masterpiece
And suck at that new recipe,
Make a new friend
Maybe not travel the world
Because in these circumstances
It's better to avoid human touch
We might not die tomorrow
But then,
Life is not fixed enough
These 2.37 am thoughts knocking at 2.37 pm
One moment you are here,
The next moment the things change.
Masterpiece ❤️ Love it🤌