The fairy dream in real life

Anujya Kumari

The dream like a fairy Princess ,
Waiting my prince charming to come,
All the way along to me crossing the seas,
Going on a long drive with full of happiness,
Witnessing the togetherness of sky and earth,
Looking at moon at midnight from the top of mountains,
Going into the deep sea which is still a mystery,
And searching for my mermaid ,
Going to space and seeing the colours that we see from earth,
Making my parents proud of their parenting ,
Getting married to my loved ones,
Helping the needing ones,
Making myself a good person,
Getting to know more about the make up things,
Making a routine and following it,
Becoming a good writer with having good fam,
Getting my goal of my life completed,
And witnessing it with my life partner,
Holding the hand and walking on the mountain of Himalayas,
Doing a morning kiss in new year witnessing the first sun rise,
Having the love our continued till the last sunrise of our life,
Making a dream home of mine ,
Getting a dream car for mine,
Having the late night drive with friends ,
Chilling in the cold while having a bottle,
Loving each others selflessly ,
Not just wishing i could help them,
I just helped them by seeing them,
Getting a good job from my study,
The bonding of love with family like the love never ending,
Having a love story with life partner like the love story never before,
Enjoying the meal at the top of verge,
Doing a paragliding with myself own,
Having the look into the nature ,
The love for trees would become more and more,
Loving the pets and animals ,
Freeing the birds from the cage ,
Living them to fly high in the sky,
Not crying for the things ever ,
Living the life to the fullest,
Full of love and crazyness.

1 comment

  • Beautiful penned down..loved it

    Atul Khater

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