The Baggage of Love – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Baggage of Love

Vibhasa Raina

Falling in love was not easy
As love came with an excruciating pain Of attachment that wouldn't take long
To transcend into despair

She was already so drenched in love
That she only wished to save herself
From the agonising pain of
Despair and separation
Which would follow
While bidding adieu
Which she knew would become
Unbearable for her
If she carried it even a little forward

So all she chose was a timely closure
Of a beautiful relationship
Yet to blossom and bloom

She knew she would feel
As if a part of her own self
Was snatched away from her
Ruthlessly, giving her
The emptiest feeling in the world

For when she loved,
She loved with all her heart
Leaving no stones unturned
Going totally our of her way
Just to make things meet,
In a way where she poured
Every ounce of her being
Into the sweet bond
The two had just begun to share

She knew this kind of attachment
Could ruin her life
Depriving her of
All the zeal
She was loaded with

This was all she could do
To save herself
Rather, two worlds from
Shattering into pieces eventually
As things would never meet
Between the two

She gulped the lump in her throat
Becoming more and more prominent
With each decision of hers
While mustering up courage
To wipe those tears and
March ahead in life
On her very own


  • Lovely ❣️ Keep up the Hard Work ?

  • @Chandramukhi Ganju
    Thank you so much the admiration bua?

    -Vibhasa Raina
  • @Chandramukhi Ganju
    Thank you so much the admiration bua?

    -Vibhasa Raina
  • This is amazing work. Somehow these lines remained in my head- ‘She was already so drenched in love
    That she only wished to save herself’. Overwhelming.

    Sneha Asthana
  • Well written and emotionally expressed poem. The thoughts expressed are deeper in Poem. Considering your age this poem has verymuch impressed me and touched me . God bless you and looking forward for the day when you will be counted among the great literary class .

    Chandramukhi ganju

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