Strongly Vulnerable

Komal Sharma

Heartbreak is inevitable.

Heartbreak makes us vulnerable,

because it is the choice of the ‘other,’

at least most of us think so.

It will always be beyond our control,

but this time, you choose it.

You choose pain.

You choose to bare yourself in the heat of love.

You choose heartbreak.


You choose it

not because you want it,

not because it is easy,

not because love has waned.

You choose it because deception is not love,

because love is not self-destructive,

because your death deserves a life.

and you choose to live.


Choosing a heartbreak

is like walking in summers

wearing woolens because you are not in your sane frame,

Is like drinking water when you’re hungry

because every urge feels the same.

Same as void you cannot seek to fill

and nothing you do satiates you.


Choosing heartbreak

because you’re tired of getting victimized.

To gain control now

you victimize yourself with your own actions

because no one’s got more power over you

than you.

And even if they do

they dare not exercise it to test.

Your chosen act is dark redemption.


There is nothing you can do to protect your vulnerability.

Not because you cannot, but there is no effective cover.

There can only be strength in accepting your weakness.

Congratulations! You’re now so miserable,

that you’re strongly vulnerable.


  • This is amazing ! :)

    Divya Shakya
  • wow! i love it, especially the last two lines! awesome! also, do check out my poem too (reviving her hope…)

    Archisha Vedha

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