Somewhere only we know – Delhi Poetry Slam

Somewhere only we know

Kareena Kalla 

It’s 11:11
I wish for you. 
Like I have been
since the past three years
with hope as blind as
a child’s dream.


I wished for you when
we both lay under the
stars making love. 
When you were around
to light up my heart like
glow worms in the dark. 


How synonymous wishing
is with missing. 
Your scent lingers on to me
like a poison 
I can’t refuse to inhale.
The taste of your lips
like blood in my mouth. 


I hear your voice in letters
once written with love
But now are nothing but
spilled ink with lies.
Sweet whispers with
promises of eternity.


I find pieces of you
in known strangers
But most of all
I see you in me. 

Calling me out in the dark
With your eyes 
In my mirror
Slowly asking me
To let go.


  • Thank you so so much. :)

    Kareena Kalla
  • Really neatly phrased! This poem is brilliant 👌

    Naveen Murthy
  • Amazing!

  • This is beautiful. 💜

    Shivangi Gupta

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