Single thought: to control gravity Limits to no avail,where'd rein be My superpower-clepe gyrokinesis Float everytime and fly high Similar to the butterflies wafting When in that merry-go-round My superpower- to never stay on ground Roam around in the quilt blue sky, New perspectives with heights, A little higher with new meteorites. Competing with macaws and godwit And playing with Skippers... with the raison d'être- 'Preserve the extinct Know the distinct' Portentous site to roam wearing cape and goggles. Staying still during thermals and updriftsmild,aesthetic breeze. blowing my hair as I hike,zephyr. Kites and skyscrapers, Stars and eagles... the big dreams as sky and corners to go around For this l'âme was never meant to stay on the ground.
Worth winning❤
You penned your thoughts beautifully!!
Really liked reading this one
A poem worth winning… keep it up sir…beautiful try and congratulations