By Hanan Harish
Woke up searching,
for a trace of peace,
humans exists
but not humanity.
Thirsty for tranquility,
she left and
shattered all of us.
Without her
life has no meaning.
Some were defenestrated,
since they looked
beautiful in brunet.
They believed,
some are puny and indigent,
hence deserves no pity.
She will flare up,
when these races
bury the hatchet,
they and you
turns to 'We'.
Think twice,
unity and serenity,
lighter than a breath,
crucial than death.
have no
just you and a hush
in your heart.
No matter how minted you are,
without her,
life will have a perpetual scar.
Breathtaking! Such a unique perspective.
It is really nice