Off the Track – Delhi Poetry Slam

Off the Track

Madhulika Tarnekar Madhulika 


A soul with His presence gets a new life,
Almighty with deep affection puts the being to the sight.
Just when the river urges to meet the ocean,
Mountains with waterfall pave her the way;
Even though God answers all our prayers,
We deny satisfaction anyway.
Two kind people sacrificing everything they could,
Bloom the being for great virtues from child to adulthood.
But sometimes the corrupt mind captures the soul,
Dissolve instead to evolve becomes the only goal.
Bad virtues & misconducts happen in the blink of an eye,
Self destruction intensfies high.
Just like the river giving water to the community,
Turns out to flood disrupting itself and the humanity.
So when a simple life becomes critical in a jiffy,
Grant the soul a track to nobility.
As inborn is the best of we with His Divine canopy,
Let Originality be persistent, as why to die a copy?

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