My Superpower

It's not easy to step
in someone's shoes. 
Not easy to listen
to their sad,betrayed stories 
and allow their negative energy to 
pass through you. 
Yes, my superpower 
where I belief in empathy then sympathy.
Listening to someone's life, 
tackled with their low energy.
You got to deal with the depression 
holding your heart 
that cried out loud. 
and showing your smile to heal others
It's not easy. 
Having an empathetic superpower is a bliss. 
It takes courage and strength.
Going through a guilt that might kill you 
and ask questions to yourself.
But at the end this superpower 
Is a blessing from God. 
You ask me what did I get from it.
It's love that I gained 
It's trust of someone that I gained
It's the believe of people that I gained 
It's the happiness of my soul that I gained
It's the blessings of God that I gained. 
It's the empathy that l gained more.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Superpower'

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