My emotions are sheer tragedy,
A gulped-sorrow, unestimatable;
Not a deal it seems,
Since my face fluctuate never,
Everytime faking contentment,
But the hollow part;
Flickers with some blur-
Duty and some faint memories,
I know I can utter,
And squeak the pain out to you,
Even if I overestimate
You'll be less to know,
And like a small boy
You'll nod as if,
You understand.....
The gravity of a condemned soul;
Convincing himself to be a delight,
When he knows
He's like maistakenly dented speck;
Belongs nowhere.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'Trauma'
This is really deep and entrapping. Amazing job Sandeep.
Nuances of pain and confusion described beautifully
A delightful treat. The structure, the line length, absolutely perfect.