Vandita Shukla
My IdentityThe world is an endless haven
To creatures in myriads.
A home, for granted, taken
For an everlasting period.
However, a place so godforsaken
That discrimination has become a norm
We are dividing ourselves
Based on our very own form.
Chauvinism, oppression, and such likes
Upon being encouraged are on a hike
But isn't all of this absurd
When it's motive is kept obscured?
Isn't being worthy enough?
Do my gender and race matter?
Must all this recklessly buff?
Must the dreams of the 'ineligible'
Be so ruefully shattered?
Is my passion a blasphemy?
An enigmatic alchemy?
If so, then an entity
Deprived of identity
To be, I desire.
So that all these norms
Can be set afire.
Perhaps, this is the only solution
To the orthodox pollution
For a world adorned with equality
As of now is but a mere delusion.