Mom – Delhi Poetry Slam


Josphin George

I thought I can live alone,
like how difficult will it be?
words crossed my mind,
less drama and more time for myself.
What a wonderful life to find !

I left the place without a tear
With some sad faces and 
weeping eyes,still visible on my rear.
It will all pass I thought,
as you can't stop a river

Like how difficult will it be?
words crossed my mind
No one to care and no one to share
Whole chocolate bar would be mine
What a wonderful life to find !

Days crossed and i was doing fine,
Not a thought about those whom I left behind
Busy with my work and busy with the city
Clearly, living in a fool's paradise
where even a pebble shine

But today when her arms held me after a year
the time stopped,
her warm essence so familiar
An essence that I almost forgot.

That's when I realized there is no better world 
And there is no divine
my mom is my world and there's nothing better I could ever find.



  • This is a heart_attracting poem..Waaoh for a beautiful short and touching poem

  • Beautiful poem……expresses the intensity….lucky mom

    Bindu S Cherian
  • Heartfelt ❤ Sahi h behnnnn

  • Beautiful thoughts…👌

  • Thoughts knitted beautifully. Loved each and every words.
    Mesmerized !!

    Afzaleen Shaikh
  • Soo true😍 beautifully written josphin 👌👌👌


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