Love means you – Delhi Poetry Slam

Love means you

Jeta Srishti

I don’t stumble

Whenever I see you

Because I froze at the very place

And my eyes follow

Your each motion

Losing counts of my own breath.


Some crazy chaos

Start brewing at the heart

Every time I see

 You walking up to me

And the same heart

Feels beyond peace

As we keep on discussing everything

Forgetting the world around us even exist.


Baby, all those escape-the-world times

I’ve spent on my rooftop

Trying to seize love from floating winds

When they tickle my skin

And admiring the beautiful scatterings

Of the sky

Now, I want to spend its every moment

With you sitting beside me

And again I try

Seizing the love

When your words will do the tickles

And admiring the beauty

In a way you define.


My smile doesn’t fade

These days.

And people call me silly

But I have never found

Someone drawing

My life this meaningfully.


Any trace of doubt

Vapored out in mist

When ‘falling in love’

And ‘falling for you’

Seems same to me.


  • Well done, u deserved the success..

    Congratulations to u.

    Madhu raj
  • Very nice ? and congrats
    Keep going?

    Akash Ranjan
  • Awesome
    Very interesting

    Romil Raj

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