Loneliness – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Jeune Esprit

Waking from the dream, it was still dark,
Of the world, was there no spark.
Blues were tremendous, powerful and harsh
In the night, up the sky, there were no stars.
Thought as i was lost.
No dearness, no lovliness, if was there something, only lonliness

In the due time, found a friend.
Unlike normal, intangible and away from trend.
Name of him was dark,
Like me, there left no spark,
Never spoke a word, but healed me
'cause instead of bending, i broke the tree.

After sometime, found a new friend,
Same like before, intangible and not normal.
But it had some feel, and an ability to heal,
Name of her was silence, she was sweet, peaceful and grey,
They were a couple, happy, supporting and stray.
Both took care of me as thier child, like i grew mild.
Without them, there found no dearness,
But what i found was only lonliness.

After a long time, i found myself,
Stronger then before, and wiser therefore,
Dearness could not help, as lonliness did,
Darkness and silence never left me, but why plastics called them weed? 
When I'll be asleep forever, my soul wont be there anywhere,
That day darkness could not leave and silence'll be friend, 
And I'll be there alone, like everybody, 
Only my dearness, and my lonliness and my lonliness.


  • “Stronger than before and wiser therefore”
    Indeed you are a wise man!
    Aur your lines are heart touching!
    Everything you write i can sense that it comes directly from the bottom of your heart!
    Keep up the good work!
    Waiting for many such poems!❤🔥

  • You got some great lines here. Great work.

  • You got some great lines here. Great work.

  • This is something very amazing… Keep it up.! I hope all your wishes come true.. Be the same! Your thoughts are really inspiring. Keep writing . ?

  • I see you have come ea Long way. You shouldn’t look back now. Congrats for this achievement. I see a great talent in you. I thank jeune Esprit for providing a platform to a talent which was not recognized in our ambience. Still unlike the flowers which only bloom in the King’s garden. A real flower has also bloomed in the woods fr away from the sights of common people. I pray may u learn more poetic techniques. And great regards

    Harsh jinger

    Harsh jinger
  • Wow man! Just wow❤️
    Keep up the great work ✌️

    Sachin Agrawal
  • Dude, This Poem is really really good. This is a serious talent here. good job! ?

    nich sharma
  • Amazing❤

    Yashika goyal
  • As always ..love to read.. great lines… Keep it up ?

    Samar Pratap Singh Rathore
  • Superb..!!! Heart touching lines❤️…keep doing good and all d best..!!!?

    Priyanshi mehta
  • “Loneliness is not being alone but it is the feeling that no one cares” is what once a great man said and so is beautifully expressed in this poem.
    Beautifully expressed.

    Hitesh Vachhani
  • Nyc one…??

    Archit Goyal
  • You are doing good as always.. No words for this awesome poetry.. Just wanna say keep doing and all the best..❤

    Jigar Agarwal
  • Amazing. Very good

    Arun Bhambhani
  • Really heart touching poem??

    Mayur Ahuja
  • Loved it ❤❤❤

    Sanjana vanjani

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