Lighter than Air – Delhi Poetry Slam

Lighter than Air

Mandavi  Choudhary 

Lighter than Air
O’er the clouds,
Waltzing alone amidst the bluest skies,
She floated with her chin and head up, lighter than air

She puffed cotton gloss into the clouds,
Sprinkled blue glitter all over the colourless skies to give
Them a dapple of sparkling blue,
And she floated with her chin and head up, lighter than air

She felt lighter than air as she undressed
A flickering sunbeam crawled its fingers over her bosoms as she
Lifted her hands higher
She was naked-and raw-and real
She continued floating with her chin and head up,
Lighter than air

She felt safe in her solitude because all she had was
Her naked body and soul to talk to
They wouldn’t betray her!
She did have more friends up there
The sun revolved around her,
For she was its sole source of energy,
The clouds got their life from her lips,
She puffed cotton gloss carefully, leaving
Numerous lipstick marks on their cheeks
The skies got their bluest shade from her finger nails
She kept floating with her chin and head up, lighter than air

She could switch from one sky to the other,
And all skies did bow down before her
She could hop and go waltzing
She stood facing the sun and tickled her bare soul
She felt emancipated when she floated and
Maintained her posture with her chin and head up, lighter than air

She walked naked
For it felt so raw and real
She put on her clothes when a wave of blizzard came forcefully to
Caress her face
She had the choice to travel from one sky to the other
To clothe herself or undress completely,
To allow the sun to touch her or let her be
But she always did make sure to float with her
Chin and head up, lighter than air

And to never forget that the skies got their blues
From her

The blazing sun and the twittering clouds encircle her
As she lies at the centre of the universe
She is, therefore the universe is

She floats with her chin and head up, feeling lighter than air


  • Wow! Loved ❤😘 your thought process, penned beautifully and this also shows the internal beauty you have. Keep it up, keep going and wish you all the best 👍💯 Dear 💕 Mandavi 👍🤗👌!

  • Wow! Loved ❤😘 your thought process, penned beautifully and this also shows the internal beauty you have. Keep it up, keep going and wish you all the best 👍💯 Dear 💕 Mandavi 👍🤗👌!

  • बड़ सुन्दर

    R k Jha
  • Amazing! Loved it!

    Ayush Jain
  • Amazing

    Archana jaiswal
  • Incredible 😍
    I love your writings.❣️

  • Wow! You’re an amazing writer ❤️ Loved it baby❤️😍

    Sumati Narang
  • Beautifully written ……….. It has touched my heart…… Keep it up my child,

    Shamoly Ghose
  • The absolute definition of craftsmanship of poem, it makes you wonder that there’s no limit of your words and thoughts just like you go with one and one together and come up with something greater than infinity.

    Panda cub
  • It’s such a beautiful poem 😭💛

  • This is so amazing ma’am ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    isha bajaj
  • This is so amazing ma’am ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    isha bajaj
  • This is so amazing ma’am❤ proud to have known you❤

    Tunisha Bhattacharyya
  • Wow! Amazing it is ❤️

  • Nice one 😍😘 You’re an amazing writer ❤️

    Naman Raina
  • Beautifully penned 💞 keep inspiring ❤ I love you 😘

    Sushmita Nanda
  • Incredible imagination u have…I m really fond of reading your poetries…Keep it up😘👍

    Priyanka Katariar
  • I loved it💓

    Akanksha Swaraj
  • Wow ! What a poem and what a thought … 👍🏻

    Sagun jain
  • Very beautiful!!!

    Aathira Panicker

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