Joshua Anglo
From the mundane life, walk out.
Visit some new place;
May be, a place where no one knows you and you know no one.
Let life travel inside out.
Travel by air, rail or any other mode.
Just enjoy every moment of the road.
Roll down the windows and breathe some pure air.
Take off your shoes and walk on the grass.
Lie down under the stars.
Experience life beyond self-created bars.
Share your and listen to someone’s story
Wake up to the early dawn and be amazed by nature’s glory
Let clouds touch your skin, let go all apprehension
Explore places around
Learn something new, something profound
Try adapting yourself to the new place
On your face, you will discover a new grace.
Relish some new taste
Time with oneself is never a waste
We lose our solace living in Haste
You will know the meaning of belonging
When you embrace everyone with whole Heartedness
The most reflective is journey within.
Yourself, better you will know.
Abundant horizons on you shall glow.
In life’s journey, let your footprints grow.
Nice work. Keep it up.