In a perfect world In a parallel universe – Delhi Poetry Slam

In a perfect world In a parallel universe

Richi Singh

In a perfect world
In a parallel universe

In a perfect world,
In a parallel universe.
I think about a life beyond this universe.

In a perfect world where you love me the way, I love you.
In a perfect world, you see me the way I see you.

In a world where leaves never go dry
In a world where trees are not cut in their prime.
In a world, we don’t kill half of the continent in the bush-fire
In a world where there is no amazon rainforest fire.

In a world where we don’t beat a dog to death for TikTok views
In a world where hunting down a thousand animals in there, home jungle for sports is not fun.

In a perfect world, we don’t hang a monkey to death for entering a village once his home,
In a world, your thrown plastic bag is not killing a turtle baby in his home.

In a perfect where a pregnant elephant would not be killed with a baby in her womb
In a perfect world, we don’t kill and eat the animal for the flavour

In a world, our lipstick is not tested on a rabbit.
In a world where we don’t cage the birds that meant to touch the sky

In a world where we had more national park and no zoo to prison them,
In a world where we were not polluting every water body that’s giving us life

In a world where we don’t cut every forest that is helping us breathe,
In a perfect world where people don’t tell me the math of eating one chicken leg n saving it in some strange trigonometry.

In a world, we don’t see a child in a mother’s egg as a protein for a muscle. 
In a world, we fed our pet with a luxury foods and let the stray in front of our house die out of hungry

In a world, we don’t keep our expensive dog in an air conditioner n kick a puppy under our car seeking shelter from the rain.
In a world, we don’t skin an innocent to make a luxury bag

In a world, we don’t use something to keep us warm that has punished someone for having fur
In a world where we don’t beat the animal to race, the race for your fun and his life, & kill him if he is not a champ

In a world where we would coexist 
In a perfect world, you could have realised you and me, we both our the creation of god & this earth is home for us all.

In a perfect world, this list would have ended soon or maybe not have started 

You discover and then you destroy.

Maybe you don’t deserve a perfect world 
Maybe once you did come in a perfect world.
And now in the parallel universe 
In a perfect world 
They fear you!

But what if you could make it a perfect world or close?
What if we could coexist?
What if you could include me in your ‘We’ like I did you?

What if you could love me the way I love you?
What if you could see me the way I see you?

In a perfect world,
In a parallel universe.
I think about a life beyond this universe.

In a perfect world where you love me the way, I love you.
In a world, you see me the way I see you.
                                               -the animal nearest you
                                               -your dear forest.
                                               -your dear sea.

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