I am a woman – Delhi Poetry Slam

I am a woman

By Anusuiya Hazuwary

I’m a woman of five feet two,

Yet I stand at par with you.

I’m a woman you might want to possess in a night club

But never would consider introducing your mother to.


I’m a woman on the street with a baby

Whose father is a distant nightmare.

Maybe he haunts you too at the darkest nights

When the lights are gone

But I murmur to your wails about the victories of the day

That waits at the end of this night.


I’m a woman whose jet black eyes, full-bloomed lotus lips

And hour-glass bodily structure you desire to satiate your ever-green lecheries.


But lo! More than these I’m a woman of reigning glories

Which you undermine with the word “feminazi”.

You venerate Sita while despising Draupadi for questioning patriarchy,

But doom be with you because I’m that woman.


  • Superb.. Keep it up.. God bless you

  • Well done my girl


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