Homesick – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Rishika Mishra

The chills in the weather and this silence 

Seems really familiar tonight.
Many unknown feelings, bursting like a bubble wrap inside
Suddenly everything plays like a presentation in front of the eyes.
The good, the bad, the people, that certain way of emotions
And the fragrance of nostalgia 
That somehow fills me with bittersweet feelings 
Want to know
Is it only me?
Or are there any more dreamers on the verge of pouring their heart and mind out like me?
Anyone else who finds the moon and the night and the silence compelling to just fill themselves with the overdose of emotions?
I truely feel 
I am homesick for a place that I dont know if exists,
And I constantly miss someone that I dont know if exists...


  • Really very good poem. Keep it up.

  • Amazing work ?

    Dheeraj Gandhi
  • Powerful last lines. Good work!

  • Home, they say, is a place from which you don’t want to escape. And all of us are looking out for that ‘home’. The last lines are simply brilliant.

  • Thanks Advait :)

  • Great work! Keep writing. Also review my poem ahead!

    Advait Naik

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