Grounded – Delhi Poetry Slam



By Bipasha Gayary

I see the news lately, 

Fear crept into our minds, 
Hoping we are not the ones
Taken over by the pandemic. 
The streets are deserted, 
The prices of food skyrocketing, 
In the silence of the day, 
We hear our thoughts loud and clear, 
We seem to have nothing to do
As long as we look grim and tired. 
The schools are closed, 
The children are bored 
But we can make the best of worse things, 
We find little things to do, 
Play some bored games
And sing some songs. 
We have candid talks with our families, 
Talk about old times 
And recall memories of yesteryears. 
We forget all the violence for a few days, 
Think about the right and wrong, 
Calm the storms for a while, 
Pray for the ones affected, 
Follow the rules finally
Of keeping clean and being aware
Hope this will all be gone very soon, 
Our minds go in sync, 
Indifferent to our indifferences-
And stand in harmony, 
In solidarity of the human race
As we fight a common enemy. 

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