Falling In Love – Delhi Poetry Slam

Falling In Love

By Shubha Jain

As the fading sunlight  
sprinkled colors through the sky
Her face gleamed like a spectrum sight
With every shade reflecting her life's lows and high.
Beauty blended with the beauty
To illuminate her flawless face
And to discover the hidden flaws beneath
Which I long to soothingly embrace.
A deep ocean lied within her tiny eyes
Where dreams drowned into the abyss
A glimmer of hope seems to rise
In her eyes
Giving me a restless itch
To plunge into the ocean
To dug out the lost dreams
To fulfill them against the oceanic corossion
A teary drop laced her eyes
Fragile yet Massive
Fraught with the world's agonizing supplies
I yearn to unload her tear
By making her smile
Relentlessly waiting to forever lend her my ear
As I walk with her till the last mile
The sounds
Of the barks, the rattles, the chirps and the cracking waves
Were engulfed by the ringing BELLS of the heart
No sooner were they stuck by the Cupid's art
Than the BELLS of love were given a start.
That was the moment
I was falling in love with her
I was falling in love with MYSELF
When my reflection shone beautifully where the sun kissed the sea
Exuding my own unconditional love for me.

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