Death speaks – Delhi Poetry Slam

Death speaks

Surabhi K

To live a full and fulfilling life and to finally embrace death as a friend instead of jumping to suicide

I'm the twin of life,
an end to all your strife!
I'm the deepest slumber you fear!
I'm final and unavoidable my dear.

You cry as you cripple,
loosing all your charms.
You shudder and shrivel
as I hold you in my arms.

I may be gentle or fierce
as The Lord pleases,
I leave your kin in tears
as your life ceases.

I'm the end of your physical self,
but your soul surpasses me!
So worry not and prepare yourself
to come and find peace in me!

You leave this world in my embrace,
I'm the anchor to your new life!
Life after death in The Lord's grace,
is the beginning of your new strife!

Live every moment like its new
till I come and find you!
For this life you have is a gift of God!
So am I! Not a curse as you thought!


  • Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments

    Surabhi K
  • Awesome Surabhi….

    Anusha Kulkarni
  • Awesome 👍

    Vinay Rajendra
  • Wah wonderful surabhi congratulations for your Masters and and hats off to your poem it’s a gud message

    Nalina c l
  • Amazing su. You are just too awesome

    Shruti C Bhojashettar
  • Wah Surabhi. A Doctor & a philosopher. What a beautiful thought process. Very graceful. Keep it up dear. All the very best to you.

  • Wow amazing!!! Doctor as well as poet. Very nice Surabhi, keep it up

  • You are a blooming Rose

  • Surabhi., Very very meaningful. Death certain, but fear not

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