Days With Her – Delhi Poetry Slam

Days With Her

By Hakim

Last Night

I typed you,

And couldn't find you

Then I typed beauty

And you were all there

You are not reason,

Art has never been,

I paint you daily

To find how much more to know.


Every blink maketh thy eyes

A year is born and lived twice

I, mortal, not know you 

Not should any man

The heart is so pure

Ain't corrupt the mind

To see thy soul, oh woman


You are a desire, never last

A Raven born to cast

Shadows thy thrill sane

Oh beauty, love is ethereal

Not every man can tame

Behold those eyes of

A child playing game

And muster the courage

Oh mind, why heart to blame


It wants her and she knows

‘Earn it as you have the way...’

Ahh! Woman, worth a chase

She knocks him to know 

And make him raise 

Plays with enrage

Oh goddess, he, mere human,

Not cast spell on mortal

Loveth he, thy, beauty praise


Knows your dancing heart

Words betray eyes apart

Soft vocal, and short gait

Envy mind plays her part

She resist, as she did as child

To not make the beats known

But keep the rage of wild

And he takes on charge

And say, Mademoiselle

I may fault but you always right

Will love thy forever, ever

Days with her, with her last night.


  • Nice poem Hakim. Loved the style and simplicity.. It’s magical.

    Tanvi Nagar
  • Thanks to the team of Delhi Poetry Slam for coming up with such nice and apt image for this piece. keep rocking guys…:)

  • Thanks Juhi for your kind words. It inspires me to keep writing…:)

  • It is the most amazing poetry written in old English. I was spellbound. Really!

    Juhi Seernani

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