Coffee – Delhi Poetry Slam


Aishwarya Babbar

2:36 pm.

Both of them,

sit together,

sipping coffee.

Wrapped in a blanket of conversation,

giving each other

the comfort and warmth of this blanket;

happy to be here at this moment,

talking, sharing and telling stories of past and present.

They now knit dreams ,

dreams of sharing there tomorrows,

dreams of building hopes together for each other.

Slow and steady,

they knit their dreams,

each one holding a needle in their hand,

trying to stitch a pattern from yarn.

2:50 pm.

Sounds of laughter can now be heard

to the next table,

and the table next to that and next to that.

While the coffee gets cold,

a thread of joy is embroidered,

with sweet dreams of destiny and love.

Lost in their own world,

time moves in years

yet it is surprising how just a few minutes have passed.

I stand still

to watch the needles

Move back and forth,

Knitting a pattern from yarn.

Hope the scarf of this tender fondness that they knit

is just as beautiful as the way they knit,

full of joy and love in between.

3:15 pm. 


  • Waah waah.waah waah.

    Sumit Sharma
  • Wow?

  • Wow! Totally made you realize how much you wanna spend a beautiful blanket and coffee time with your loved one. Love it.

  • Beautiful!

  • Such a heart touching thing

  • Beautiful.❤️

    Puneet kaur
  • “Wrapped in a blanket of conversation”… A beautiful way to picturize the moment..

    Krishna M Menon

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