Can You Keep a Secret? – Delhi Poetry Slam

Can You Keep a Secret?

Dear Diary,
Can you please keep a secret? 
I drive through a dark road
With headlights off. 
I feel abandoned. Lonely. 
I feel pain. 
Pain of being a deserted grain
Of wind blowing right through my ears. 
Pain of not being able to tell her
How much I actually love her. 
Still. Still. 
How I will always love her. 
Dilapidated buildings call me
To build a home in them. 
I feel like I lost her to a trend. 
Mine, lost in a cocktail of antidepressants, 
Wishing for recovery
From my state of being, 
From my state of being away from you. 
I owe you a poem, dear Diary, 
For keeping this between us. 
How I drink in my own misery. 
I am blocked as a woman
From singing her lullabies
Of love, heart to heart. 
I swim in my beer tonight
While I pen down my own serenade. 
Please keep this a secret. 
Or not. From her. 

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