Burning Tip – Delhi Poetry Slam

Burning Tip

Nishant Gang

I have been dragged a lot

And beaten.

A part of me got lost

Every time I was shaken.

I was set on fire

Because of some unfulfilled desire.

Life was cut short in the end.

In smoke we mend.

Even though I take lives,

I hold more hands than humans do.

But I ask you to not rely on me,

I am ash and will make you too.

I know I am dishonest

But I am also the one who stays.

Even I don’t like myself to be honest

Find something else and put me in the ashtray.


  • Excellent piece!!

    Fateh Singh
  • This is so impressive. Never thought I would get to read something so profound on this particular subject. ❤

  • You always amaze me! 💛this is amazing. “But I’m the one who stays” Has my heart❤ Keep the good work, way more to ho🙌

    Amrita (@thedesichapbook)
  • Wonderful ….!!

    Rajeev Harkat

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