
Smoke filled room
Blur, like last night's dream
I had of you
Fascinated I sat looking
At the arc of your smile
Perfect like the eyeliner you always waste so much time on
Those tiny cat eyes you anyway hide under your neon glasses
To make them look bigger and proud like you 
As I am proud to see love in them for somebody like me.
You always know if I am looking
And you always ask the same question
"What are you looking at!"
You always know the answer and you never wait
For my lips to voice
You lean forward and a kiss is all the answers we ever needed
You head back in the smoke
And blur it all gets
For its tough to love two at a time
One lit in your fingers
One lit in your awe
And you can always notice
The dark it does wherever it touches you
Burning me with envy.
For the marks I leave on you
They always fade away
As I fade in this smoke surrounding you
Blur is now all I see
Blur is ever left for me.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'Breakup'

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