Being Effeminate​ – Delhi Poetry Slam

Being Effeminate

By Rishu Sharma

Every time he steps into a new place, an inexplicable fear haunts him.
The fear of being recognized traumatizes him. The insecurity of being rejected hovers around him.
 His body is slender, voice is shrill. His footsteps are unmanly, hobbies are different. No, he isn't sporty. He doesn't behave in the manner he is expected to but he is a creation of Nature.
 He has eyes that want to dream, ears that wanna hear, lips that wanna be kissed, and body that wants to be loved.
No, you can't get away by beating him, abusing him, berating him, bullying him, molesting him. 
You might be manly but he possesses infinite strength and tolerance to cross all barriers. He possesses the heart that is filled with love, compassion, and determination. He possesses a mind that can outreach your capabilities. 
You can't render him powerless nor can you stop him from growing. You can't fasten his ankles nor can you enchain him. You may confine him but you can't stop him from breaking your confinement. How can a blossoming flower be withered before it spreads its fragrance!
Realize the bane of indifference and the beauty of difference. Don't shun him, accept him. 
He is womanish, effeminate, homosexual, not a burden.

1 comment

  • Great poem!!

    Akshay Anand

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