The way we said goodbye.
After we struggled to reach heights.
I will continue to feel sick
Until I turn out the lights.
Feet masked in muddy water.
Muck between my toes.
The disgusting feeling lingered.
While my feet dry on their own.
Paddling in sludge
Is all we did.
Complaining and whining
Is all we did.
The moment we parted ways
To get a new life.
I wanted to turn around and say,
'It was a pleasure knowing you.
Your family is doing well
But you are unwell
So I'm leaving.'
I'll write this poetry in your name.
Send it places.
I'll write your name on a chit.
Burn it to ashes.
A dialogue or two would be appreciated.
After all that we've been through.
I'm still grinding my teeth
For you to say a word or two.
I deserve it.
For all, you put me through.
Your apology is pending.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'Breakup'