An Experience That Changed My Life – Delhi Poetry Slam

An Experience That Changed My Life

By Sakshi Arya


In the past, I’ve been ashamed of the experience that changed my life,

But overtime I came to love what I became.

This here, is a little piece of my heart;

A major experience that changed my Life in every possible way.

and now I can’t be broken,

cos what builds you, can’t break you apart.




  1. you said, you’d be there when I wake up,
  2. but when I did, you were gone.
  3. why didn't you keep your promise?
  4. i kept waiting for so long.


  1. you turned up after years,
  2. i thought all would be fine.
  3. but you had moved on,
  4. and I was there, looking at you,
  5. searching for someone else inside.


  1. -Subdued


  1. you left me years ago
  2. and now you're back at last
  3. maybe it was fate
  4. or just me, trying really hard.
  5. i wanted you to fix things
  6. and you were as uninterested,
  7. as you once were, in those years,
  8. from my hoarded past.
  9. this feeling is unkempt, so hollow
  10. where i have so much to say,
  11. so much to ask.
  12. but you, my father, still carry your haughtiness
  13. learnt nothing so far. they tell me fathers are loving
  14. mine, though, once left me to starve
  15. i’m glad, i learnt from that lamenting
  16. it instilled me with courage
  17. and became my lodestar.


  1. -frustrated by your longueurs, i now hold my league strong
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'An Experience That Changed My Life'


  • most creative writer I know !
    Tom Nicholas
  • You are one of the most talented, creative and beautiful people I know. This is extremely empowering!

    Nidhi Arya
  • You are my pride

    Vandana Arya.

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