By Shreya Pandey
Virgin white sky holding the burden of the life,swishing of leaves gives me a feeling of peace,the pauper imbalanced clouds beat against the shroud,which was once the jewel adorned by the ball that created us all.
The innocent trees that used to sing whose Melody is slowly suppressing.
The birds,the flowers the beauty of it all are embezzled by the smoke that is evolved,they are slowly entering into slumber and silence sighing upon the acts of violence.
The fishes are choking upon the plastic that covers their home all the way through Pacific,the flip and flop to break free but nobody listens to their crying plead.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'Mother Gaia'
Great vocabulary
Meaningful poem
Keep it up
My blessings
Amazing use of words in this writeup!