A Letter – Delhi Poetry Slam

A Letter

By Khushi Garg
Dear Trisha,
I remember the last time I saw you,
White orange dress, short bob hair.
Sitting right in front of me, engrossed in a book.
12 long years since then.
It's your birthday today. 
Happy 18th birthday Trisha.
I'm sorry I couldn't be with you when probably you needed me the most in all these years.
When you were shivering in fever, I wasn't there to hold your hand and caress your forehead.
When you would have won first prize in singing competition and ran to home to share your joy but did not find me around.
I'm sorry.
When you had a fight with your best friend and wanted to complain, to cry, to express your heart out, I was missing.
When you were confused about what to wear in your farewell party, I wasn't there to clear your doubt.
I'm sorry.
World is a selfish place.
People wear masks fused with their flesh everytime.
Willing to do everything to suppress you at every point.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to embrace you in my arms and protect you.
Me and your father tried hard.
Very hard.
But at times fate can not be changed.
At times you have to accept what life has chosen for you.
My chemotherapy is on count but chances are trivial.
I'm sorry I can't help myself.
I'm sorry I can't fulfill those thousand dreams I saw for you with your father.
All I end up with, is sitting in this hospital bed.
Writing this letter while imagining how beautiful you'll look by the time you will receive this.
You're a strong girl.
Much stronger than me, than anybody else.
Perhaps you have your father.
Who has always been with you in all those moments where I couldn't be.
Whose world revolves around you, darling.
So wipe your tears off and light up.
Your father is waiting outside your room with your favorite chocolate cake.
Open the door with a smile
And welcome new beginnings.
- Your loving mother.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Sincerest Apologies' 


  • This one is powerful. Almost brought me to tears.

    Debahuti Borah
  • ❤❤❤

    Rashmi R Pathak
  • Touched my heart 💓

  • Touching

  • This is so heartwarming! 💗

  • Congratulations .

    Ricky Mawlong

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