A disease which's menacing – Delhi Poetry Slam

A disease which's menacing

By Aakriti Srivastava

A disease which's menacing-

Has swirled in this populous world.
There's a sorrow feeling,
As well as a hue and cry.
There are many fighting with COVID-19,
And many realising meaning of life.
One must see it with positivity;
Busy people are getting time-
To spend with family.
Locked doors of school,
Have opened minds which're creative.
A person should be cool,
Despite of being apprehensive.
One should observe advantage;
Exquisite smiles can be noticed-
On face of people of old age.
A lot in life we have faced,
Maintaing personal hygiene is important-
Has been taught in this case.
It's crazy how virus can make some fervent,
And teach some to enjoy nature's place.
Under a humble shade of nature,
Many irascible people are becoming placid.
For Indians, it's an immense pleasure,
'cause foreigners are greeting by namaste.
Indian tradition has become impeccable,
'cause it's embezzle.
I hope now you'll see,
That COVID-19 is also good for thee.

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